Sunday, October 24, 2010


Snapfish is offering free shipping but today is the last day. Hurry over and use the code EXTRAFS10

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Its the most wonderful time of the year

Yes it is! The time is finally here in south florida when we do more things. Now that you can be outside for more than a few minutes without gallons of sweat dripping off of you.
My friend Julia over at Work,Wife,Mom...Life, made a summer bucket list. I thought I would make my own for our nice time of year.
Here is what I have come up with.

--go on nature walks at local natural areas at least 5 different parks!

-throw an awesome birthday party for my little man

- talk SJ to a baseball game

- Go to a NFL game

- go horseback riding on the beach

-Throw a snowball at my dh (this is intresting since we live in FL where it doesnt snow, can I possibly get dh to go up north?)

- read at least 2 books

-cut my hair into a cute hairstyle

-lose at least 20lbs

- workout at least 2x a week every week

- Have 2 date nights with dh

- have a weekend away just me and dh

-blog more

- Have a fun girls night out with only my girlfriends. (hmm can i convince them to leave the men at home?)

So what are your goals for this winter?